Wow, its been a busy couple of weeks! The deadline for the final art on my book is just a couple of weeks away and I'm painting like crazy to make it in time! I can't believe I'm almost finished, it doesn't seem very long ago when I posted that I had gotten my first book job, and now it's almost over. It's definitely been an experience:-) Hopefully one I will be repeating over and over! Here is one of the paintings from the book, written by Elizabeth Brokamp and published by Magination Press. In this chapter the main character is having to CHOOSE between two friends, I thought it would be perfect for IF this week. Better get back to painting, thanks for stopping by!
Congrats on completing the project!
Wonderful work, Joni! Your characters are going be a hit!
Sweet!! Congratulations! When will it come out? Drop me a line sometime!!
Me again... I just saw the neat book promo on the Publishers website. Congrats!
Amazing! Great composition!
Thanks a difficult thing to choose. Wonderful illustration.
LOVELY! Congrats on working towards the end of your job. I love that sense of accomplishment on projects!
wonderful...and congratulations !!!
I love this picture Joni!! You are so amazing!!
I really love this composition and your positioning. Good work.
Very, very nice work!
Nice one Joni. And never choose between friends... ;-)
Wonderful illo and congratulations on your book!
Wow, this is great!
Gorgeous Joni - as are all your designs - it was such a great treat to get to meet you - you are just a doll! What a great priviledge to be able to work with such a sweet and talented artist!!!
Congratulations on getting your first book published, that must be so exciting!
And you're right, this is a great image for "choose," with a nice perspective, composition and technique. I'll look for info on your book!
I like the idea of a photo in a photo .
It's been a long time since I posted. . .love this. . .and you have been tagged!
I know a lot of people don't enjoy this kind of stuff. . .but I do. I think it gives a real incite into who we are. . .
A long time friend of mine Ruth McNally Barshaw tagged me and asked me.
Here are 5 random things about me:
1) I am an extremely neat person except in my studio where the rules of neatness always fail. When I work on art I just have lots of stuff laying everywhere.
2) Here is a hard one to admit. . .I am too sensitive sometimes, which I guess makes me a great friend since I can always sympathize with what my friends are feeling. . .you need a shoulder to lean on. . .I am here.
3) I love to watch American Idol
4) I dream about drawing
5) I have an addiction to reading blogs. . .
I am tagging: Ginger Nielson, Amy Merano, Joni Stringfeild, Debbie Johnson, Jennifer Tolman
Let's Play!
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