Here is my new submission for Illustration Friday. When I saw the word this week was suit, I had to do a penguin suit:-) I thought it would also be a good time to do some black/white work since I've been getting a few requests for it lately.
Here is my finished version of the last value rough I showed. I had fun doing this painting. I've never done anything the least bit spooky, so it was a nice change for me. I had someone ask what the story is behind it when I posted the value rough. Its not a story I made up, it was from a novel I had read awhile ago. There was a scene in the book when these three boys are camping out in their backyard and decide to sneak out and go searching in the woods for the family ghost that has haunted the house for generations. What illustrator wouldn't want to draw that! The ghost in the book was blond and always wore a white dressing gown. I stuck true to that, but used my imagination for the three boys. Anyway, as I said, it was fun for me to do and I hope you like it!
It's been so long since my last blog! My time got a little taken up with other things, some art related, some not:-), so I am still working on the last piece I posted. Its getting close, but not finished enough to actually show anyone. But in the meantime, here is a piece I just finished for a girls magazine. They needed a new illustration for their advice column, and here it is!
I'm a freelance illustrator, focusing on childrens book art, but love all types. I've been told that starting a blog is a great way to get your work out there, so here I am! If anyone would like to see more of my work, my website is You can also check it out on